Fryums Dryer

At Steamtech Innovative Machinery Pvt. Ltd., we are pleased to introduce our specialized Fryums Dryer, designed exclusively for the efficient drying of fryums with our advanced belt drying system. Our dryer ensures uniform and gentle drying, resulting in high-quality fryums suitable for various food processing industries. 


Fryums, a popular snack item, require precise drying to maintain their texture, flavor, and crunchiness. Our Fryums Dryer, equipped with a advanced belt drying technology, offers efficient and consistent drying, ensuring superior quality fryums with extended shelf life and enhanced marketability. 

Fryums Dryer is a Fully Continuous and Automatic type of Dryer. 

The Fryums drying process is absolute and dries the fryums without deteriorating its properties.  Fryums dryer machine is used in Warehousing, Stock, Fryums Industries, and snack-related businesses for fryums drying.


Our Fryums Dryer is available in various capacities to meet the diverse production requirements of snack manufacturers, from small-scale operations to large-scale production facilities. Whether you're a local snack producer or a global supplier of fryums, our drying system can be customized to meet your specific needs, ensuring optimal drying performance and productivity. 

Fryums Dryer Capacity ranges from 300 Kgs to 1200 Kgs per hour. Fryums Dryer can be operated throughout the year even during the off-season


The Fryums Dryer operates smoothly within your production facility, utilizing advanced sensors and fully automatic controls for easy operation. Fryums are fed onto the belt conveyor system and pass through the drying chamber, where precise control over temperature, airflow, and humidity ensures uniform and gentle drying. With continuous operation capabilities, our dryer maximizes production and productivity while maintaining optimal quality standards.

The Fryums dryer machine operates as a system of convection drying. A continuous flow of hot air with a certain temperature, speed, and retention time is used to dry and clean the Fryums as it passes over a thin air permeable belt through hot air distribution slits. 

Heat Energy Sources

You get 4 types of Heat Energy Sources, which fit best for your unit:



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